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Publication Rules

1- SGD is published twice a year at six-monthly intervals.

2- SGD is being published with the aim of contributing to the accumulation of the intellectual knowledge of our country, raising awareness on social security and social policy in society, and bringing future objectives and expectations to a common point, by carrying out studies on every area that can contribute to the activities of the Social Security Institution, social policy and industrial relations discipline.

3- Articles submitted to the journal should not be published or sent elsewhere for publication. The length of the articles should be at least 5,000 and no more than 8,000 words excluding the bibliography in the format specified in the editorial rules.

4- If the articles are accepted for publication, SGD will have all publishing rights, including publishing it in electronic form in full text. The responsibility for the opinions expressed in the published articles belongs to their authors.Texts and tables can be cited by showing the source provided that it is used for scientific purposes.

5- The articles will be sent to the SGD via e-mail.It will be assumed that the final review of the texts sent to SGD has been made in terms of writing and the articles are “printable”. Spelling mistakes in the submitted text above the acceptable level, it will be sufficient reason to reject the article.The author's name, surname, short biography, academic title if he/she works in an institution, open address, e-mail address and telephone number will be displayed on a separate page.

6- The articles submitted to the journal will be reviewed first by the Editorial Board in terms of compliance with the journal guidelines.Unsuitable articles are returned to the author for correction.Corrected articles should be returned to the Editorial Board within 2 months at the latest.Those deemed eligible for evaluation are sent to two independent referees in the relevant area.The names of the referees are kept confidential and reports are kept for five years. If one of the referees’ reports is negative while the other one is positive, then the report may be sent to a third referee or the Editorial Board reviews the referee reports and makes the final decision. The "blind double-referee" system is applied during the evaluation process of the articles.

7- Articles written in Turkish and English are published in SGD. Regardless which of these two language is used in the articles, Turkish and English abstract’s consisting of at least 150 and at most 200 words will also be sent attached at the end of the text. Likewise, without taking into consideration in which language the article is written, the title of the article should be added to the text both in Turkish and English, and also at least 3 and at most 5 key words in Turkish and English should be indicated.

8- “Adjudication Reviews” can take place in SGD.

9- Those who send articles to SGD are deemed to have accepted the publication rules of the Journal of Social Security.


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Republic of Turkey Social Security Institution© 2014
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