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Evaluation Process

The articles submitted to the Journal are being assessed by the Publication Committee and the appropriate ones are being submitted to two separate judges. The articles submitted to the Journal are subjected to preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board and eligible articles are sent to two separate referees. In case of disagreement between the two judges, a third judges’ opinion will be taken.

In accordance with the report given by the judges, the publication committee takes a decision about publishing the article, requesting the authors make appropriate modifications or rejection of the article. The decision is then submitted to the author. In line with the reports of the referees, it is decided whether to publish the article, to request an amendment from the author within the framework of the report or to reject the article, with the author being informed about the decision.

For the approved articles, the Publication Committee decides whether or not to release and the release number of the Journal. The Editorial Board decides whether the articles which are agreed to be appropriate for publication will be published, and in which issue they will be published.

The author is informed about the process via e-mail.

The Presidency of Social Security Institution has all publication rights of the articles that have been accepted for the publication in the Social Security Journal including the full text publication both in physical and electronic environment.


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Republic of Turkey Social Security Institution© 2014
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