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Objectives and Duties of SSI

Social Security Institution is established with the objective of the realization of a social security system at the contemporary standards that will provide individuals with social insurance and universal health insurance, based on the principles of social insurance, effective, equitable, easily accessible, actuarial and sustainable in financial terms.
The duties of SSI are as follows according to Article 3 of the Law No. 5502:

  • To implement the social security policies by taking into consideration the national development strategies and policies as well as annual implementation programs and to undertake endeavors for the improvement of these policies.
  • To inform natural and legal persons for whom it serves with regard to their rights and obligations and to facilitate the exercise of these rights and fulfillment of these obligations.
  • To follow up international developments, to collaborate with the European Union and International organizations, to undertake the necessary studies with regard to social security agreements to be concluded with foreign countries, to implement international agreements that are duly executed.


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Republic Of Turkey Social Security Institution ©2016
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