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Antibiotics  are medicines that are used in the treatment of bacterial infectious diseases and have a very large prevalence in terms of human health. The term "antibiotic" in the sense of the word means "against the phantom." These chemicals prevent bacteria from multiplying and sometimes kill bacteria.

Some antibiotics have been developed to fight only a limited number of different bacterial species. These are called "narrow-spectrum antibiotics". Your doctor prescribes antibiotics of this type when you know exactly what type of bacteria is causing your disease. Because these antibiotics do not attack other useful or harmless bactericides, they are the most suitable antibiotics to be used in treatments.


Other antibiotics have broad spectrum effects. Many bacteria act on the skin and are therefore termed "broad-spectrum antibiotics". Your doctor may need to use these antibiotics in some cases, such as the inability of your doctor to accurately identify the causative bacterial strain or the coexistence of many different types of pathogens. The drawback of these antibiotics is that they also tend to kill useful or harmless bacteria.



Antibiotic resistance is the ability of a microorganism to resist the effects of antibiotics. Antibiotics are drugs used in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections. Antibiotic resistance occurs as a result of alteration of the DNA of bacteria by the use of these drugs. Treatment of infections caused by resistance-enhancing bacteria is more difficult. Antibiotic resistance will remain a significant threat, even if new drugs are developed, as long as there is no behavioral change in the misuse of medicines.

-  Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest global threats to health, food safety and development.    
 - Antibiotic resistance affects every age group and every country .
 -  Antibiotic resistance is a natural process, but the use of wrong antibiotics in humans and animals accelerates this process.
- Treatment of many infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and gonorrhea with antibiotics is becoming increasingly difficult as the effectiveness of antibiotics decreases.
- Antibiotic resistance leads to prolonged hospital stay, increased treatment costs and increased mortality.

The most important factor in the resistance to antibiotics in our country is the use of antibiotics which are not within the knowledge of the physicians in the society.
The biggest mistake in society is the use of antibiotics without consulting a physician or pharmacist, based on the positive opinion of the relatives about the antibiotic used by their relatives.
Without antibiotics and pharmacist control, antibiotic treatments started by the patients themselves, when the symptoms of the disease are improved, recurring infections due to premature discontinuation of the medicine and the negative effects of the antibiotic resistance which may increase due to this cause and other problems encountered in the wrong antibiotic usage are emerging.
Resistance to unnecessary antibiotics in virus-borne upper respiratory tract infections (especially in the case of influenza and colds), especially during the winter months, is again undesirable. It is a fact that antibiotics do not play a role in the treatment of virus-borne infections.
The emotional pressure on parents to write antibiotics on the basis of their sensitivity to sick children and on the writing of antibiotics to physicians is another factor that supports unnecessary and erratic antibiotic use.

Misuse, unnecessary and ineffective drug use in the world leads to problems in various dimensions. Improper use of medicines leads to an increase in the economic and social costs of treatments due to difficulties in the treatment of diseases, increased side effects, unnecessary use of resources, and resistance development.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that over half of the world's medicines are not properly prescribed, supplied and sold, and that half of the patients' medications are not used properly. The misuse of antibiotics in the world is also an important question. The World Health Organization (WHO), explaining that misuse of antibiotics causes antibiotic resistance poses a global threat to this problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns countries, health workers and people that this resistance will create a danger.

Research shows that the use of wrong drugs is a major problem in our country. The reasons for this can be listed as follows:
• Low health literacy in our country as it is in the majority of world population
• Discovery of distant and erroneous information from the scientific point of view on diseases and drug use in different media channels
• Many of the drugs are easily accessible without a prescription

Misrepresentation of the illnesses and the medicines used by our citizens is a reflection on the health professionals such as the physicians and the pharmacists. It causes the supply of over-the-counter medicines or requests for the addition of previously used medicines to the
"Rational Drug Use", by WHO; Defined according to the disease findings and individual characteristics of the persons, at the lowest cost and with the appropriate duration and dosage, in a convenient manner. In our country, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and all related institutions have launched an intensive campaign for the rational use of drugs, especially antibiotics.

There are many activities in our country on "Rational Drug Use":
• In order to reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics, studies are being done and training is given to disseminate the use of diagnostic tests such as rapid antigen test.
• The limitation of selling antibiotics without prescription has been an important step in reducing unnecessary use and preventing resistance.
 The most important role for the public to be aware of the rational use of antibiotics and the fact that they should not be used unless prescribed by the physician falls into family physicians and pharmacists who are in constant contact with our citizens.

Family physicians should adhere to rational drug use rules when treating patients, follow current / current treatment protocols when prescribing antibiotics, antibiotics selection based on culture, antibiograms or serological tests if possible, as narrow spectrum antibiotics as possible for possible factors in empirical treatment They will be in place.

It is very important for physicians and pharmacists to understand patients and their relatives clearly in relation to the use of medicines in terms of compliance with treatment. The recommended repetition of pharmacists to use the medicines prescribed by the physician after the recommendation of the physician at the dose recommended by the patients and at the right time intervals contributes to the correct application.
The outcome of the treatment should be monitored by the physician and the treatment should be changed or the prolongation of the treatment should be assessed.
It has been observed recently that the sensitivities of physicians and patients to the subject have increased in recent years. This project aims to contribute to raising awareness about the rational use of antibiotics by our citizens and health care workers.

Some doctors generally do not have enough time for patients in general. For a proper examination, adequate time is required for the patient and adequate time for the patient is an important quality indicator of antibiotic use. Healthcare providers will also have a positive influence on the use of rational antibiotics indirectly by checking whether the patients have enough time left.
Health workers often do not require laboratory tests such as antibiotics, culture, etc. before writing antibiotics.
Another fact that will not be overlooked is the pressure of pharmaceutical companies to produce antibiotics on commercial concerns and some doctors. In addition, among physicians, there are those who acquire the knowledge of a newly emerging medicine through drug companies. This leads to drugs being promoted by drug companies to be more proactive. For this reason, the results of using antibiotics prescribed outside of necessity are negative.
The lack of national guidelines for the use of antibiotics and the absence of national policies to shape the use of antibiotics are another cause of the negative consumption of antibiotics.
Education inadequacy related to antibiotics may occur during medical education as well as after graduation. Physicians graduated from the medical faculty also need to complete the lack of knowledge to be formed over the years with postgraduate training.

Unconscious use of antibiotics negatively affects the whole society, not only the person who uses it, unnecessary antibiotics cause the bacteria to become resistant and leave people desperate for the diseases. For this reason, prescription of antibiotics in our country is necessary to prevent uncontrolled use, and it is supplied from prescriptions written by the official / private health institutions and organizations, prescriptions written in e-prescription or electronic environment, or prescriptions written.
The name and surname of the patient, T.C. ID number / prescription number / protocol number/medula number must be included with the ID number or prescription date. For antibiotics, income from any institution and 10% of the monthly pays and 20% of the other persons are entitled to participate. (Also for each prescription, 3 (three) TL for drugs supplied up to 3 boxes (including three boxes)), each item is regarded as 1 box irrespective of the number of boxes for injectable forms. In the case of diseases listed in "Patient Participation Exempt List" (Annex 4 / D) published on the official web site of the institution (www.sgk.gov.tr) provided that they are documented by the health report, Box / pen account. Systemic antibiotics are prescribed in the framework of the principles stated in the SUT and paid to pharmacists in the form of funds.





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